Friday Match 9th – Deep hollow-tyne verti-draining
Members spent most of Friday March 9th coring, topdressing, seeding and fertilising the greens. At 6.30 pm they returned to spray nematodes on to each green. The nematodes will attack and kill all curl and white grubs. The corellas love these grubs and tear up any area where the grubs may be. Let’s hope the nematodes take and the birds do far less damage in the future.
As a result of these works there was no golf at Romsey on Sat 10th.
Thank you for a big day’s work to Bob McL, John F, Ron W, Bruce R, Elaine S, Kev D, Mick N Snr, Hugh D, Pam D, Mal M, Scott W & Peter S. (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
Many members went to Lancefield for their Open 4BBB or Heathcote for a round.