Wednesday May 9th – Rd 3 2018 Women’s Club Championships
The 2nd round of the 2018 Club Championship was played on our beautifully manicured course on a day with 20 – 30 Kph winds from the NW and with a top temperature of around 15C. The greens had been recently mown and were in tip top condition. The fairways too were well prepared, the whole course is a credit to the many volunteers who spend endless hours working to improve both the golf course and Romsey Park for the enjoyment of all. We welcomed a visitor (and past member) Shirley Shelton to our comp and she appreciated the well grassed tees and lovely greens. She also commented on the very positive changes to both the course and Romsey Park since she was a member at RGC. On a wonderful late autumn day the results were;
Winner; Darlene Baker – 89/16/73 from Lorraine Robb – 112/31/81 C/B over Jenny Hartley – 105/34/81 C/B
Nine Hole Comp; Leila Beasley (41) – 15 points from Jan Harver (43) – 13 points
Club Championship Standings after two rounds;
Scratch Nett
Darlene Baker 180 146
Jenny Hartley 202 152
Lorraine Robb 219 155
Elaine Scanlon 222 158