Wednesday June 13th – 4th Rd Silver Spoon – Stableford
A smaller than usual group of players braved the wintry conditions to compete in the 4th Round of the Silver Spoon. Life Member Leila Beasley was at the club early to send the field off with a cheery wave but she wisely decided to retire to a warm room rather than brave the elements. The temperature didn’t get above 8 degrees and the biting wind made it feel even colder, scoring was going to be tough. Some low lying areas of the course are quite soggy but generally the fairways and greens are very good. High approached shots were holding well allowing confident strokes to the greens. Fortunately the threatening rain held off for the duration of the round. On a cold and windy day the results were;
Winner; Darlene Baker (17) – 35 pts from Pam Drummond (30) – 28 pts C/B, from Jenny Hartley (24), Wendy Gosden (29) – 26 pts