Wednesday 20th September. – Pinehurst.
The forecast looked fairly ordinary, cold with a strong chance of rain but undeterred golfers arrived ready to face whatever Mother Nature threw at them. The sun shone through and pushed the temperature up to about 15C. A steady NW wind kept players on their toes. Pinehurst has teams of two, using 3/8 of their combined handicaps, with both driving then playing their partner’s ball to achieve the best position. Once the best location for the 2nd shot is chosen players only play that ball and share shots. The day’s results were;
1st: Elaine Scanlon (33) & Rob Slade(16) – 97/18.38/78.62
2nd: Wendy Gosden(32) & Kath Jekabsons(38) – 107/26.25/80.75.