2017 Working Bee
Over preceding days and as part of the working bee all greens were Scarified, Seeding, fertilised and top dressed. With the drive cog breaking on the cushman the last greens were top dressed by hand. A big job well done. Thanks to Scott Williams, John Freestone, Bruce Robb, Ron Walker, Tony Lakey, Lorraine Robb, Peter Scanlon, Hugh Williams, Hugh Drummond & Wayne Robb
Expanding the 1st tee
Earlier in the year Bob McLennan had boxed in the area to be filled and soil had been dropped off and levelled. Additional soil was levelled and seeded and sprinklers were installed. Thanks to Kev Dunn and Scott Williams
Track from 1st tee to Fairway
This project had been in the pipe-line for quite a while but appropriate machinery was a bit of a problem. Soil was dug out and the trench filled with scoria. As this packs down we will add more scoria. Thanks to Terry Williams and his Kubota
Clearing-up behind 3rd green
The remnants of the old park fence and a deal of corrugated iron had congregated in this are. Clearing it all away will make out new errant golfball fence and garden far simpler to install. Thanks to Beryl and Ron Cole
Cleaning the Tee Markers & Sponsorship signs
It is important that we keep the tee and sponsor signs clean, easy to read and looking good. Thanks to Lorraine Robb and the grand children Aidan, Emma and Eliza Robb and Nathan and Zoe Di Camillo.
Cleaning out the Work Shed
A good morning’s work (done earlier in the week) to clear out all the old, unused items, the damaged materials and the rubbish that had accumulated over the years. Quite a load of rubbish and recyclables taken to the transfer station. Thanks to John Freestone, Bruce Robb and Tony Lakey
Spraying around markers, bunkers and small trees/bushes
Controlling the growth around the small plants and the distance markers means less damage done by mowers and killing anything that creeps into the bunkers keeps them in good condition. Thanks to Wendy Gosden.
Re-painting the Distance and OOB Markers
Again, keeping the course looking good is important. Clear, easily recognised distance and OOB markers makes it easier for all golfers and they get around the course. Thanks to Kath Jekabsons
Tankstand at the Work Shed
Our 10,000 litre tanks has sat at the work shed for quite a while now. The tankstand needed as much height as possible to allow water to be gravity fed to the drinking tap. Once built it had to be filled with soil. This soil will be allowed to settle then be topped off with sand before the tank is put in place. Thanks to Ron Walker (who did most of the work), Tony Lakey, Kev Dunn, Scott Williams & Terry Williams
Burning off the Rubbish Piles
Over the year fallen branches, trees we have cut down and bark accumulates and must be burnt off before the fire season arrives. The CFA were informed and the fires kept under supervision. Thanks to Andrew Clement who pushed the material into two piles, to Tony Lakey who set the fire and supervised and to Terry Williams who pushed up the materials towards the end of the fires.
Morning Tea and Lunch
As usual, all the workers needed to be fed and watered. Thanks to Elaine Scanlon who did a great job organising the food and refreshments and having things ready just when they were required.