Wednesday September 23rd – Stableford
Once again the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 Pandemic have been reassessed and it was a pleasure to be playing competitive golf on the Romsey Golf Course. Social distancing requirements were still in force along with the wearing of masks, no touching of the flags and remote submitting of results, all things that players are willing to comply with to keep everyone safe.
The course is in great condition even with the extensive drainage work happening across the park. Volunteers have obviously been working hard and long and this is much appreciated by the members. The weather was changeable with chilly winds, sunny periods followed by bouts of rain and finally calm conditions. The day’s results were;
1st; Jenny Hartley (24) – 34 pts
2nd; Elaine Scanlon (32) – 25 pts
3rd; Wendy Gosden (28) – 24 pts