Wednesday 19th June – Stableford & the Women’s Silver Spoon Playoff.
There was an extremely heavy frost in the morning and, until the sun came out, the 3rd green was very challenging. Lots of ice was floating in the bottom dam. A couple of fairways had quite large areas that were rock hard, frozen grass and ground. However, there was hardly any wind and as the sun pooed through later in the morning it was very pleasant. The fairways, greens, surrounds and tees were all beautifully mown. A huge thank you to the volunteers for looking after the course so well. The Day’s results were:
1st; Elaine Scanlon (33) – 31 pts.
2nd; Rob McDonald (15) – 28 pts c/b
3rd; Jenny Hartley (23) – 28pts.
Congratulations to Jenny Hartley for winning the Silver Spoon Playoff from Kath Jekabsons and Lis Manktelow.