Monday March 9th – Labour Day Stableford
A good field teed up for the club’s Labour Day round of Stableford. Apart from the wind which moved between west and south for much of the afternoon conditions were excellent for golf. The fairways had dried out after steady wind and, in general, the greens and surrounds were in excellent condition. Strangely enough the birds had left their favourite playground, the 7th green, alone and had what seemed to be a large party on both the 15th and 16th greens. Hopefully, as the weather cools, these birds will move on and we can get about repairing their damage. On a mild, sunny, if windy afternoon the results were;
Winner; Mitchell Clement (11) – 37 pts from Keith Hocking 26) & Toby Clement (24) – 36 pts
NTPs; 15th – Andrew Clement