2019 – Friday March 8th – Coring the Greens & Working Bee
With Lorraine opening the gates at 7.30 am the 3rd of our four deep hollow-tyne verti-draining works was underway. The front end loader arrived from Kyneton just after 8.00 am and the top-dresser was off to follow the coring machine and the core picker-up to sand the greens. Members began arriving just after 8.00 am and work on a number of projects began. With one of “Turf Conditioning Services” workers stuck in traffic Freebie ran the top dresser for the first eight greens, thanks John.
- Smudging the sand in on the greens – Bruce, Ron and John F. This had to done both before and after the greens were seeded and fertilised.
The 6th ready to be smudged a 2nd time
Ron and John always happy in the service.
- Seeding and fertilising the greens – Twig and Hugh.
The boys were just too quick to catch on camera.
- Raking up and carting away leaves, twigs, pine needles, bark and small branches – Wendy, Lorraine, Bruce, Jenny, Roger, Darlene
Wendy and Jenny working between the 4th and 5th fairways..
Piles of pine needles ready to be picked up and carted away.
Darlene and Roger fill up another load.
- Raising and levelling the men’s 3rd tee – Kev, Scotty, Chris with some late assistance from Mick Snr.
The wooden edges are in and levelling begins.
Loading cores to raise the tee.
Unloading cores to level the tee.
Just about finished, well done one and all.
- Mulching the garden behind the 3rd, also clearing the way for surface water to flow behind the 4th tee. – Tony
Loading the mulch and clearing the way for surface water to get away from behind the 3rd green.
Unloading mulch onto the garden along the fence behind the 3rd green.
- Checking the fairway sprinklers – Twig and Hugh. All sprinklers checked to ensure correct spray distance and fall. Some had to be adjusted at the sprinkler or in the valve box.
Well, the 2nd fairway is OK, now on to the rest.
- Moving sand bins – Tony a simple swap of 15th for 16th to allow for better location of NTP markers for the 15th
Sorry, no pics
- Building a new tee for the practise green – Scotty, Tony and Chris
New tee between the 8th tee and the 16th green.
- Sanding back and repainting all cups – Lorraine and Wendy
A bit of invention always helps out with these sticky jobs.
- Keeping the troops well fed and watered. – Elaine did her usual wonderful job here. Much appreciated.